Last Friday Microsoft surfaced its Surface tablet along with Windows 8, the latest version of its operating system. Amidst the glitz and glam in the past couple of days about its 'colorful' features the tablet carries, numerous discussions have taken place on how it differs from other tablets and if at all Surface can take over Apple, Google, or any other giants to seize the tablet market. As now Surface tablet is in our hands, let us just check out if the gadget can do wonders in the highly competitive market it has entered.
Wider Screen for More Clear Visuals
Let us begin our tour with the screen part of the 1.5-pound heavy Surface tablet. The screen size of 10.6-inch is much wider than its competitors. Coupled with 1,366-by-768-pixel display, you get the luxury to comfortably enjoy videos while on travel or while relaxing over a drink. To make things more interesting, the Surface tablet arrives with an in-built Windows 8 operating system, the latest of the lot.
Well Equipped with Advanced Fittings
Microsoft is not ready to compromise when it comes to advanced additional features. The two 720p HD cameras (one on each side of the tab) prove this point here. Adding more charm the tablet has dual speakers, a USB 2.0 port, an HDMI out, and a microSD card slot. The kickstand and additional helpful keyboard covers add more appeal to the tablet. However please note that the keyboard covers are given for free only with tablets worth $599 or $699. You need to buy them separately with $499 Surface.
Even Mightier Hardware
The Surface tablet from Microsoft has 1.3GHz Nvidia Tegra 3 CPU and arrives in both 32GB and 64GB varieties. The microSD card slot in it supports up to 128GB cards and the gizmo has 2GB of RAM. It has 802.11 a/b/g/n Wi-Fi support, Bluetooth 4.0, a gyroscope, an accelerometer, and a built-in compass. But the unavailability of GPS is a big drawback while using it while on the move.
Watching Videos Will Never be the Same
It seems the Redmond-based company is really concerned about your entertainment. It has indexed really fascinating features to keep you indulged with. The 720p HD screen will make watching videos on YouTube, Netflix, HuluPlus, Microsoft Xbox, etc., a really different experience.
Sad, But No Networking Sites
Here is rather bad news for social networking site users. Surface tablet is not considerate towards you. Accessing Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and many of their peers is possible only via Internet Explorer, but that too is not up to the mark.
Gamers and Music Lovers will Hate this Part
Not sure if Surface tablet will be a good choice for a music or games lover. There are valid reasons to doubt so. The gizmo has only 'Fruit Ninja' and 'Cut the Rope' for a games lover to engage with. Even Pandora and Spotify are missing in this device. You will also miss Gmail, Google Maps, and Search on this tab.
Windows 8 Makes Surface More
Speaking about the operating system, Windows 8 is ideal for tablets. The Live Tiles feature makes it convenient to work on touch screens and the theme works flawlessly with other apps. The sideway scrolling feature in Windows 8 makes it easy to work with the Netflix app.
Though Confusing, Settings are Too Outstanding
Prima facie, the settings may confuse you, but once you get a hang of them, they are more effective and efficient than other available tablets in the market. For example, you can e-mail information from the current app or can share it to different social networking sites via the 'Share' feature available in the tablet. You can even adjust the wireless, volume, and screen brightness with the use of 'Settings' feature in the gadget.
It is true that certain drawbacks do exist in the new Microsoft Surface tablet. But considering other sophisticated features included, Surface can be forgiven for these errors. It should be remembered that several leading tablet makers have made more grievous blunders, but later got them rectified. And comparing to them, Surface tablet is definitely a better choice for a tech geek.